Sunday, May 01, 2005

Weekly Stats and Stuff:

For the week, April 25-May 1, I got 30 miles of running, two good gym workouts, and a nice rest day. Last long run before Indy was a solid 10 miler, two really strong speedwork sessions, the second one a little more restrained than the first, and a recovery run after the Bun Run.

For the month of April, I got 126 miles of running, and a bunch of gym work as well. I snagged a big PR at 5K, which was really great. I was pretty good about the post-run exercises, and I did well getting to the gym. I give myself a B+ for the month, since I did have a spotty week the week leading up to the Bun Run.

I feel really good, really strong, and I can't wait for Saturday's race to test my newfound confidence. It'll be fun to be on a running roadtrip with Alex and Frank, along with my North Carolina friends Jeff and Andy. That's a lot of guys hungry for pasta, pizza and beer!

This week is mostly tuneup stuff. The fastest I'll go is half marathon race pace, whatever that is, and only for 1000m at a time. Even my gym sessions will be moderate, to allow my body to store up energy and to fully recover for the half marathon this weekend.

Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy

Since I'm a geek and nerd of longstanding stature, I'm naturally a huge fan of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy "trilogy" of books, and it was with some trepidation that I went to see the movie adaptation of the first book on Saturday. The verdict? Well, part of the charm of that wacky sci-fi series is the goofiness and disconnectedness of the writing. To streamline it into a movie for both hardcore fans and for newbies took some of that away from the screen. It looked great, though, and there were enough zany bits that I left the movie feeling entertained. It wasn't a home run, but it wasn't a disappointment, either. The Vogons were expertly realized, and I think the movie's cast was well-chosen. Special effects were top-notch. I hope they get the chance to make the second movie!

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