Monday, May 23, 2005


Today, I felt great after the two runs over the weekend. I'm a little tired, but not sore or stiff, so I took that as a good sign.

Anyway, the gym workout was entertaining as usual. Solid cycle warmup, upping the time at the higher level, but I never was working really hard with that. It felt good just to let the legs spin the pedals without any pounding.

After that, I did a little stretching, and then launched into the exercises. The ab stuff was easier than last time, so I'm pretty much back up to speed there. I need to figure out some sort of twisting exercise to replace the one machine that my particular club does not possess, but that's not a terrible thing. I went slightly easy on the leg stuff, since we'll be doing Wilke tomorrow. Regular amounts of the first several exercises, but only one set of the 4-way hip machine, and I skipped the weighted lunges, again due to Wilke tomorrow. I cranked up some of the upper body stuff, which was fun. I can go pretty hard on that portion of the workout, since it doesn't directly affect my running the next day.

All in all, a good day at the gym. Tomorrow is Wilke, which will be loads of fun.

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