Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Easier Gym Work

Today, I just went to the gym for some somewhat relaxed workout. I did a really easy 30 minutes on the cycle, as usual, to get the blood flowing. Then, I did the full ab/core routine, the full arms/upper body routine, but no leg work. It was a more efficient workout, and I was out of there just under 1 1/2 hours, including the cycle. It felt good to get the body working.

Afterwards, I made it over to Ron for a tuneup massage. He found a couple of knots in my left hamstring, which he worked out by apparently reaching in there through my skin and grabbing the hamstring muscle...or at least that's what it felt like, a little. :) I felt a lot better after he got finished. Just one easy fartlek tuneup run tomorrow, and I'm basically ready for the race on Saturday.

I've been making my list of things to do before I leave, including a list of stuff to pack. I'm just that way. It's going to be very exciting this weekend to challenge myself at the half marathon, and I hope to be able to really push myself mentally and physically at Indy.

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