Friday, November 10, 2006


For the last few weeks, I've embarked upon a silly project that has yielded some measure of satisfaction. You know those cups full of loose change that you've collected in your car ashtray, or random cups on your dresser or a bowl in the kitchen? Well, I've decided that stuff has to go! So, I fill my ashtray (it's a separate entity in my Tahoe) with change from the various stashes in the house every morning, as well as a small stash in my pants pocket, and off I go into the World.

Sure, it's silly when I get to the counter at lunch and whip out $1.37 in change to go with some paper dollars, but it's satisfying to see all those coins disappear from my collection. Methodically, I've knocked out probably $8-10 in change over this time. Geeky? Sure. Am I marking myself as a nerd (again)? Yep. But, I'm enjoying this project.

Probably the best part is that at most places I go, the waitperson behind the counter either cannot or will not count the change, and just trusts me that I've given him or her the amount that I am saying. Sometimes they'll count it, but mostly they just sort out the various coins and dump them in the register. :-)

I'll return to discussions of running tomorrow. I promise not to get going on my fun with the paper shredder and junk least for now. :-)


Anonymous said...

Jay, this is one of my favorite runner's-blog posts of all time! So the moral of the story, as Billy Joel would say, is "Don't go changing..."

Jay said...

Glad you enjoyed it, Deb! Today, I got rid of another $1.47 in change... :-)