Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Massage Torture and Easy Running

Well, today I had probably the most painful massage ever. Normally, when I go see Ron for my semi-monthly tuneups, there's just some modest soreness that he works out, and I'm one of the most trouble free clients he has. Today, though, after the long and moderately hilly run on Saturday and then Wilke yesterday, I had some knots that he found. After he gleefully reported that there were things to break out the heavy artillery on, he dug into a couple of really painful and knotty spots on the quads. I swear that I had to focus on the very act of breathing while he broke up those knots. Ouch!! There was normal soreness elsewhere, except for a fun knot or two in the calves and one at the insertion point of the quad and thigh muscles into the inside of the knee. I know that this was good juju, but it almost makes me break into a cold sweat writing about it and remembering it just now. :-) Still, I recommend regular massage treatments to everyone, and I'll be back at Ron's place after the Decker 20K...

As for the easy running, it was another tour of the 'Hood in the evening darkness, nice and relaxed. Everything felt great, and it was another easy HR effort and some good miles to keep the running machine in fine tune. I'll be running in Mississippi the rest of the week, so that will be interesting. For the night, 6.5 miles, avg pace of 9:20/mile. Gotta go pack...

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