Monday, November 13, 2006


This morning wasn't quite as nice as yesterday, but conditions were okay for our day-after-the-race workout. The group was fairly small today. Gilbert prescribed the longer warmup/cooldown version of circuits for those who didn't race yesterday, and for the Bison people, we got to do the shorter wup/cdn, along with relaxed circuits. We did this a few weeks ago after the 10 miler, and it actually worked pretty well to get out the stiffness and soreness left over from race day.

The warmup running was nice and easy, and after drills, we settled into the circuits. Nothing new here, but I ran the 400m laps ridiculously slow. The exercises went great, and nothing hurt or tweaked during the workout. The lunges, in particular, worked well to gently stretch out most of the leg.

Once we had done our 3 circuits, Rachel, Amy and I went over to do some other stuff, and at Amy's suggestion, we did planks. I showed them the oblique planks, and we did those (both sides) along with the standard plank on elbows, all for 1:00. By the time we had done those, Kenny brought the rest of the folks over to do long striders on the practice football field there at AHS. We did 5 of those, and they finished off the job of working out the junk in our legs.

The cooldown run was also nice and slow, and we mostly talked about the race and how it went. There were some questions about the Decker 20K, and I touted it as my favorite DC race. I know it's rolling, rolling, rolling, but at least it doesn't have a mountain in it like Motive! The course changes this year should eliminate that never-ending tour of the parking lots at the end of the race, so it should be even better this December.

I hung out after we got done and talked with folks, and got an idea from Gilbert of what sort of long run we'll be doing on Saturday. I need to get up to 18-19 miles this weekend, since I won't be doing a super long run next weekend in Mississippi for Turkey Day Vacation.

For the day, a mere 4.8 miles, but it did the job. Tomorrow is easy running in the 'Hood.

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