Saturday, March 04, 2006

Welcome Back

This morning, I rejoined the Gazelles for a little 7 mile run on the trail. There was a pretty big crowd, and we had a great time. Gilbert warned us to run easy, and believe me, we took his advice. Lots of conversation, both looking forward to the spring racing season and looking back at Freescale. I ended up running most of the way with Emily and Brian. It was a nice morning, clear and cool at about 60 degrees. Did 7 miles at almost exactly 9:00 pace, so it was a fun run. After spending so many mornings with these folks, it was like "Old Home Week" today, getting back in touch with my running pals. It was good to see Jan out there as well, returning to the fold after rehabbing her injured calf. Once we got done, we did some striders. I guess I did 6 x 100m striders, but I was talking with Sean, and I might have lost count in there somewhere. :-)

The stretching was entertaining as usual, and Shannon got the special Coach attention this morning, as he gave her the extended torture with the hamstring stretching. I laughed and told her that's what she gets now that she's officially a fast runner. We had many new faces there this morning for stretching, so I guess that means a new beginner's group has started.

Anyway, after some post-stretching talk with Richard, Alex and Frank, it was time to get going. All in all, it was a fine return to running with the gang. Monday, it's back to speedy stuff with the Meriden 1000's. I'll be there, but I'll stick with 3 or 4 repeats instead of 4-5, and I won't concern myself too much with pace just yet. It'll be form city instead.

For the week, about 18.5 miles running, 4 runs. Next week, I've got to get back to the gym for two workouts, and I'll stick with the 4 running days one more week, stretching out the mileage just a little bit more, up to maybe 25 miles.

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