Sunday, March 19, 2006

Water Stop Fun

Sunday, about 30 Gazelles gathered to man the water stop at about the 7 mile mark of the River City 10 Miler. We had a blast, despite the drizzle, rain and chill. It was fun to see a bunch of runners that I knew, including Gazelles and folks from Galloway days. We almost got in trouble with the police because of our microphone and amp (used to cheer on the runners), because we were located around some pricey condominium real estate. When we agreed to turn off the mic, all was good, but it sure would have been cool to have a stop where we could kick up the volume. We prepared water in quantities suggested by the race organizers, and ended up with hundreds of unused cups of water, which were emptied into the street. Anyway, it felt good to give back a little bit by volunteering after running so many races in the fall and winter. I should pick another spring race for volunteer duty, just for fun.

The race was a big success, and Frank even won his division for the first time ever! Very cool.

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