Thursday, March 16, 2006


This was the fourth day in a row of running, the first time back to that full routine since Freescale. Everything checked out just fine today on a regular recovery run in the 'Hood. The GPS lost lock a bunch of times, even though there weren't trees in the way. The heavily overcast skies must have done it. I was able to calculate the proper mileage anyway, based on previous runs in the 'hood, but it was a drag to lose the value of the data on the GPS watch. Weather was muggy, but not terribly warm. I just had fun roaming the neighborhood, dodging the garbage and recycling trucks and the kids on bikes (home for spring break). After an easy first mile or two, I ended up with about 5.8 miles, 52 minutes and change, 9:02/mile pace. I felt good throughout, and I was happy to be out there. Saturday will be a 10 miler on the Scenic loop, so I should end up with about 35-37 miles this week.

Now, I've got to go and sit myself down for extended viewing and bracket watching for the NCAA basketball tournament. It's probably my favorite sporting event of the year, with the Tour de France, The Masters, and then NFL football trailing behind. Go Winthrop!

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