Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Just What The Doctor Ordered

No doctor involved, but that Ted Nugent song popped up during today's run on the iPod. Anyway, this week, I'm adding back in the fifth day of running per week, with the Tuesday recovery run. I had planned on going 35-40 minutes, nice and easy. The weather was nice, breezy, sunny and in the high 60's, I think. Since the kids are home, I headed out around 11:00 am, and hit the neighborhood loops. With the GPS, I did some exploring on some side streets previously not visited on foot, which was a fun diversion. First mile was around 9:40 pace, but by mile 3, I was under 9:00 pace, running nice and free. On the way back up Jester, Mike Carter joined me. He had been driving up to run on the trail, but when he saw me, he pulled over and joined me for a while instead on his way to the trail. I suppose I was his warmup run partner.

We had a nice chat as we rolled up Jester. So nice, in fact, that instead of stopping there at the house, I continued with him for a while longer, which ended up adding a mile or so to my day. No big deal. I left him to do his trail run, and turned back for the house. All things considered, it was a really nice run. Legs felt great, and I think I worked the last of the Wilke stiffness out of them. For the day, right at 5 miles, just under 9:00/mile pace. Those last couple of miles with Mike were in the 8:30 range, still comfortable, but not necessarily "recovery" pace. Now, I just have to get ready for the tempo race/run in tomorrow morning's Gazelles workout...

1 comment:

Jay said...

I should have written "...running up Jester Blvd..." so as to not leave the impression that I EVER run up Jester Mountain. :-) I have run up the other two big hills in Jester, but not the main one. Thanks, though.