Monday, July 11, 2005

Long Pace Run

This morning, I tagged along with the fall marathoners as they did their first 10 mile pace run. This one was easier than they will eventually become, with 5 miles of "easy" running at 60% and then 5 miles of harder running at something like 85% of effort. Time wasn't the issue, since no one really knows their goal pace yet. I figured that this was a run I could do, despite my non-marathon status. I'll alternate doing 7 or 10 mile runs on Mondays until Freescale training begins in late August.

We started at 5:45 due to the workout length, but I felt good and rested despite the slightly earlier start. I assumed that I'd be bringing up the rear of the group, since I was just having fun, and I intended to run the easy part really easy. At the start, everyone pretty much pulled away from me, and I was trailing behind, following Mike by about 20 yards or so. Just after we popped out from behind the Austin American Statesman parking lot, Bryan caught up with me, and he fell in with me for the next long while. It was nice to have a running partner, and I got a chance to get to know him a little while we ran along. After crossing the Longhorn Dam, we made a quick stop for water behind the Holly power plant (just 26 seconds), and then continued on with the rest of the easy running. At about 5 miles (turned out to be 4.8 miles), or 45:00, I declared it was time to start the pace running. Bryan and I had knocked out the easy running at 9:16 pace, which was actually just about right.

Bryan stayed with me for the first mile and a half of pace running, and then told me to go on, and he'd pick a different pace to bring it home with. I felt like I was running under control, but I was certainly running faster than we'd been going. I didn't look at my watch, intentionally, because it would be too easy to make all sorts of decisions to slow down or speed up based on what I saw. I tried to do the old "run how you feel" deal, pushing the pace to something that I might be able to handle for an hour or so. Pete passed me near Austin High School (I'm guessing he started later than we did, duh...). I didn't stop at the Mopac water stop, figuring I'd be better off continuing my run instead for just 2 more miles.

I thought I was slowing down over the last two miles, but again resisted the urge to check my pace or HR. Finally, I went under the railroad overpass, passed the Stevie Ray Vaughan statue, and finished with a nice little kick. Done.

Turns out I did 5.26 miles at pace, at an average 8:24/mile. Pretty solid running, I think. Overall, the run was 10.1 miles at 8:49 pace. This was a good run just two days after a similar length long run on Saturday. I like these pace runs, but they're tough. I think they help me cope with discomfort late in races, but maybe that's just Gilbert's brainwashing, you think? My last miles for the day were 8:23, 8:14, and 8:17, so my fastest running was late in the run.

Did 5x100m striders after catching my breath a bit, and then wandered back to RunTex. I stayed and stretched with Patrick, and talked a bit with Gilbert and Alex. Alex was just finished with his PT appointment, and he's been released to run a little bit, so we should see him tomorrow.

Now, tomorrow is "just" circuit training, then an easy run on Wednesday. I'll be in Mississippi for a few days after that, so I'll have to figure out how to simulate the scheduled ladder workout for Thursday (or maybe I'll just run for fun instead?). Saturday, I'll just do a relaxed 60-90 minute run. This was a good start to the running week, that's for sure.

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