Friday, June 10, 2005

Take It To Da Gym

Perhaps I've finally gotten back into the groove with the whole weekly schedule. This morning, I took my sore body back to the gym for more mild torture/exercise. Just 16 minutes on the bike to warm up, and then I did the full ab/core routine. I did a different oblique exercise on Wednesday and today, and those muscles were sore! I did lunges, calf raises, and abductor/hip flexor raises on the 4-way hip machine for leg stuff. Then, bicep curls, bench, lat pulldowns and tricep extensions for upper body. I left out some of the extra exercises that I sometimes do, and even with the cycle warmup, I finished the workout in a nifty 1:25.

While I was doing my ab stuff, a guy got on one of the treadmills, and just pounded the machine to death. He was crushing down with each footfall, and he wasn't in bad shape, either. Just the loudest treadmill runner I've ever was actually distracting. He only lasted 10 minutes or so. Other than that guy, there weren't any amusing figures to observe today.

So, it was good to get to the gym, do the work necessary to improve my running and everything else, and to get out of there in a relatively efficient amount of time. Tomorrow is the long Scenic loop, about 11-12 miles.

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