Monday, August 14, 2006

Circuit Training, All Jacked Up!

This morning, a large crowd of Gazelles gathered on an exceedingly muggy morning for a circuit training workout that Gilbert thought we needed because our "...core is weak!" He's probably right. Since he had so much fun stuff in mind, he sent us over the shorter way for a warmup. I ran with Alex, and it was fun to catch up a little with what's been going on in GazellesWorld since I was on the regular schedule before Swannanoa. After everyone else arrived at the track, we took the assembled masses through the drills, and were ready to go. Gilbert told us he wanted at least 4 circuits each, with faster/more advanced people doing up to 6 circuits. Just 400m repeats between each circuit, so it was obvious to me that he was much more interested in the exercises than the running today. He also said we didn't have to blast the 400's.

So, already deeply drenched, we set out to be circuit peeps. I slowly picked up the pace for each successive 400, but that first one was really slow. The circuits were the usual stuff, alternating the leg throws and regular crunches, and alternating jumps with the fence squats. Just as I was finishing up with my last (fourth) circuit with my lunges, G called us over for his idea of "fun stuff." I grabbed a quick cup of water, and joined the mob.

We did a long stretch of hopping around on one or two legs, and I'm not sure anyone lasted the whole time on that stuff. Then, we did some new hurdle jump-through deals that ate me up, too. Of course, we also did the static leg lifts series, 2 x 1:00 of "fast feet," planks, and maybe something else that I'm forgetting in my post-exercise delirium. It was a monster workout, as far as I was concerned.

I must have chugged 4 cups of water or Powerade after we were done, and then ran my cooldown with Brian, Colleen and Emily. I stuck around for a good stretching session that was much needed, as well. Even saw the Guv arrive for his morning run with all his assorted bodyguards and bike patrolman. Another typical day at RunTex.

It was a typical low-mileage, high intensity day at the circuits, but as a shared exercise with my running friends, it was really not a terrible thing.

For the day 4.75 miles. My 400's were 2:06, 1:59, 1:59, 1:55. I told you they were relaxed! :-)

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