Monday, January 07, 2008


This morning was sort of springlike, weatherwise, but tolerable. It was a good day to head to Austin High and join a bunch of Gazelles for circuit training. We had a bunch of new folks there today, I think, so I believe Gilbert took it slightly easy on us. Plus, the 30K racers were there to gently work out the junk left over from that hilly tour, and circuit is a good way of doing that.

Those who ran the 30K seemed awfully relaxed and strong today, which was very impressive. Equally impressive was Larry, who ran a 100K race all day on Saturday, and then showed up this morning to ease back into running. All of those folks were pretty awesome, as far as I'm concerned.

The circuit stuff was the usual, with the addition of pullups and medicine ball magic to the regular exercises. I hung out around Rachel, Brian and Amy, and we were diligent about the exercises, but pretty casual about the 400m runs between each circuit. We got the full benefit of the workout, since we were directly into and out of the exercises, but we certainly didn't bust a move doing those 400s. :-)

After 3 circuits, Gilbert had us do another round of 4 different medicine ball exercises, and I paired up with Amy for that. She chose the 8 pound medicine ball, but except for dealing with a heavier toss, it wasn't too bad. After the medicine ball, we were secretly hoping that a certain exercise that Shall Not Be Named would not appear, and we were rewarded when we went directly to a couple of rounds of fast feet. The first round was either 1 or 2 minutes, I don't know which, and the second round was either 2 or 3 minutes. All I know is that I was about 3 seconds away from having to stop on that last round of FF. The whistle blew just in time. Bernard accompanied our FF song on a drum, which lent a new vibe to the whole experience.

Fun recovery run back to RunTex with Michael, Wes, Brian, Amy and Rachel, and our day was done. It was a wimpy mileage day, around 4.5 miles, but I'm glad to get in some exercises to boost my reentry into gym work. Tuesday should be that day, if I get myself moving in the direction of the gym.

I got my assignment for the AT&T marathon entertainment volunteerism, and I got a good spot, I think. I'll be at the baseball fields on Great Northern at about mile 15.5. Not too deep in the race that people will be in distress, but not so early that the runners will be jammed up together. Hopefully, I'll be able to keep an eye on the runners and give shout outs to my peeps!

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