Tuesday, April 22, 2008

HR Recovery Running, again

Today, my legs didn't feel nearly as destroyed as they did last week after the 400m repeats. I'll take that as a sign that I'm creeping back into shape. Slowly.

I finally got to the gym today, and I felt like an impostor. However, no one asked me politely (or impolitely) to leave, so I guess it was okay for me to be there. :-) I just cruised through an introductory gym routine with core and leg weight evercises, using lighter weights or lower reps or both from my past gym days. Just one set all around, too. I wanted to get there to reacquaint myself with the routine and to let my body know that we were going to get back to work. No rebellious muscles snapped, and I'm sort of looking forward to future visits.

Tonight, I rolled out into the 'Hood for another exciting HR recovery run. Again, my goal was to run 30 minutes at a very controlled overall HR for a true recovery effort. I was successful. My legs felt pretty good from the start, and I was able to get a little more distance at a little quicker pace and a little lower overall HR than last Thursday's similar effort. Victory! The stats were still quite modest: 2.82 miles, 30:42 time, 10:53/mile pace, and avg HR 152. For me, 152 is sort of loafing. For Frank, I think, it's close to 10K HR pace. Such are the vagaries of cardiovascular numbers.

I am starting to look forward to running again, and that's a big step for me. Tomorrow, I have to craft a fartlek workout on my own here in the 'Hood due to home responsibilities, so that will be a bigger test of my willingness to work out than today's efforts.

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