Thursday, December 27, 2007

More EZ Runnin' With Friends

Today, I met up with Frank and Rachel at the Rock at the leisurely time of 9:15am for a 7 mile spin around LBLake. The weather? It was spectacular! About 38 degrees, bright sun, crisp and clear. Ahhhhhhh.....

It was a rare treat to run with both Frank and Rachel, as they've graduated from my usual pace pod, but I was able to run a semi-MGP pace run today while they slummed along. :-) I had fun chatting away with them as we cruised around the pond, and we covered the usual topics. And, no, I cannot share any of that conversation with you. What is said on the trail stays on the trail, after all.

So, for the day, 6.82 miles, 1:02:29, 9:10 pace or thereabouts. That time includes our quick water stop at Auditorium Shores. We dialed in the pace over the first 3 miles, and then dipped to the 8:40 range for the last 4 miles. I enjoyed myself out there. These runs since White Rock have served to rekindle the running fire that I had let die out a bit, and I'm grateful to Frank, Rachel and other folks who've asked me along. Sometimes you just need a reminder of why we do this in the first place, and if you pay attention, those reminders can come when least expected.

Side note: I was listening to Tom Petty's "Buried Treasure" show on XM radio this morning, and Little Richard's "Lucille" was played. Has there ever been a more perfect rock 'n roll record made? I had the radio cranked, and it made me feel all happy inside. If you don't have a copy, shame on you. If you do, go get it out or kick it up on the iPod and get reacquainted with Mr. Perryman and his rollicking piano riff and those amazing vocals. A slice of recorded musical perfection.

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