Wednesday, August 29, 2007

10K in 6 Easy Pieces

Today was a long and challenging workout. We've been handed a bunch of these ladders to deal with this marathon training season, and each has had its difficulties. I've done okay on them, mind you, but they are both physically and mentally grueling.

Today, you say? After the easy warmup and drills at Zilker, we were sent out for a 3K, 2 x 2K, and 3 x 1K ladder. No real guidelines on pace, but I hoped to improve on my pace as the intervals got shorter, and wanted to have my last interval of each group be the quickest one. There was some confusion at the start, as most of the folks took off when Gilbert asked us to get started, despite his desire to have us go out in groups. I found myself trailing most of my normal peeps, but I started with Carmen, Jenny (or is it Ginny?), and Amy for the 3K loop and a half. I had thought I'd shoot for 8:00/mile pace for the 3K, but we hit the mile marker at something like 7:50, so I just stayed with the gang as we passed through a bunch of the folks who had gone out ahead of us. I was surprised at our 14:14 time for the interval. It clicked out at 1.81 miles, so that's 7:52/mile pace. Nice start. Amy had gone out ahead of us on this lap.

After we strolled across the dewy grass soccer fields to the top of the course, it was a chance to catch our breath. Once we got up there, Amy, Jenny and I matched up again, and hit the first of the 2K loops. I was feeling pretty good, and we took turns leading the way. We hit the mile marker around 7:40, and finished the 1.2 miles in 9:14, or 7:46/mile. So far, so good.

A cup of water and 2 minutes later, we were off again for our second 2K. Amy didn't have to do the second 2K, so it was just Jenny and me from this point on. We pushed each other a bit and finished that one quicker than the first, which was great to see. It had felt a bit faster, but it's good when your perception meets with reality. That one was 1.2 miles at 9:03, or 7:40/mile. Through 7K of the 10K of intervals, I was right on schedule.

Another cup of water and 2 minutes, and it was time for the 3 x 1K "half laps." The first two 1000's were Jenny and me again, and we clicked those off in 4:21 and 4:24, 7:01 and 7:06/mile respectively. On the thousands, we got bonus rest with the walk across the fields again. Still, we were happy when we reached the starting line for the last repeat. We gathered up Renee for that one, and took off. I was hoping for a fast finish, and it turned out great! We snapped across the line in 4:15, or 6:51/mile, for the last repeat.

I was tired, but pretty stoked. 10K (or thereabouts) of repeats done. That's a long day. I helped pick up all the cups around the coolers, and after chatting with Gilbert about the courses for the Saturday and Monday workouts, I headed back to RunTex with a gaggle of folks. Let's see, it was Frank, Larry, Renee, and someone else....gosh, my brain is failing me. Anyway, I was happy that we actually ran back at a true cooldown pace for a change.

Endurox and some good stretching later, and the long day was done. I scored 9.4 miles total running for the day. At least these ladder workouts have been going well. Saturday is, for me, 13-14 miles, and then Monday is the Labor Day Gazelles Pace Race 10 Miler. Yikes!

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