Monday, September 11, 2006

Circuitry [Entered 9/12/06]

Monday, a very small crew met up at RunTex for the day's workout. The weather wasn't particularly threatening, but it was humid and warm as usual. Gilbert sent us over to Austin High the "long way," which was actually a good idea. The extra mile or so going that way helped loosen up our legs. When we got to the track, we didn't do drills, but launched pretty directly into 1600 meters of short 50 meter accelerations followed by 50 meters of slower running. Even with all that erratic pacing, we turned in a surprisingly solid 7:59/mile pace for that warmup track work. From there, it was the usual circuit stuff. Gilbert only called for two circuits of exercises, so we were done pretty quickly. My 400m laps between circuits were pretty slowly done, but what the heck. There's a time for fast 400's, and today wasn't it.

After those two circuits, Gilbert gathered us on the slab of infinite aerobic torture (the concrete slab behind one of the goalposts) for "fun stuff." We did some one-legged hopping, some balance drills, the dreaded starting blocks drill, and finished us off with a 2:00 fast feet episode. With the Iyo Ngwe chanting, the fast feet went by pretty quickly. Still, we were pretty much done when we were finished.

Most of us took the long way back to RunTex, which was more briskly paced than the warmup trip. It was fun, anyway.

I hung out afterwards for most of the full stretching ritual with Alex, and then my day was done.

For the day, right at 7 miles. Now, my main task for the rest of the week is to get back on schedule. This is a good start.

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