Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Surge, Recover, Surge, Etc. [Entered 5/1/06]

Wednesday, we got together for fartleks around Town Lake. The crew was largely present, and we even had some guest runners with us (Marcy, Frank, Denise, Colleen and others). We were told to do as many accelerations as it took to get around to the footbridge over the creek, or 15 x 1:00. Taking turns, we had a grand time. Weather was adequate, and we moved along nicely on the faster bits. We did take a quick water stop at Mopac, but continued our surging ways as instructed. It was a spirited workout, overall, with our average pace for the 7 mile loop being 8:41/mile, including the very easy warmup running (2 miles, about 10:00/mile) and cooldown (1 mile or so, 8:40/mile). The fast section was 3.7 miles at 8:00/mile overall pace, so the fast bits were between 7:00 and 7:20/mile, and the recovery bits more like 9:00. It was some good running.

I felt pretty good, and it was fun to get out there and get moving quickly. We did some striders afterwards, and they didn't even bite. :-)

Full stretching and I was done. Another good day at the running office. Now, if I would just get my non-Gazelles workouts done!!!

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