Wednesday, October 18, 2006


The weather turned muggy and warm again today, so I went to the gym instead for a workout. Started on the stationary cycle for 30 minutes to warm up, and then did core and upper body stuff. I've not been as diligent about the gym as I should, so I struggled with the Roman chair ab exercises, but the other core stuff wasn't too awful. I've had to back down on weight a little on the upper body stuff, but there's a clear path to getting that back up to where I was, so I'm not too worried there. For an "off day," it was a decent workout. Tomorrow is fartleks, and then it's easy street until the race on Sunday.

iPod note of the day: It's only on headphones that you hear some of the crazy stuff that Jimi Hendrix did on some of his recordings...I heard "Voodoo Chile" today, and there was lots of wild swings of the guitar sound back and forth across the sonicscape. It made me a little woozy hearing the guitar drift back and forth across my brain, so to speak. Trippy, man! :-)

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