Thursday, June 01, 2006

Easy Running [Entered 6/3/06]

This evening, I went out for a nice recovery run, and I ended up with 42:30 minutes of running, 4.77 miles, just under 9:00/mile pace for the run. I was just running by feel out there, and it didn't feel all that tough except for when I picked it up late in the run. Good deal. My left Achilles was acting up, though, so I iced it down several times tonight after I got back inside, for preventative purposes. Maybe I've overdone the calf raises in the gym? No matter.


The gym workout was leg weights and core today. I bumped up the reps on the roman chair lifts, and extended the time on the planks, so that portion of the festivities was pretty tough. On leg weights, everything stayed the same except for a 10 lb raise on standing calf raises. I just do one set on the standing calf raises, but I do 3 positions with the feet, so it's sort of like doing 3 sets. At least for me, that is. :-)

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