Tuesday, February 21, 2006

The Morning After The Morning After...

Ouch! Ouch! Groan! Are my quads a functioning part of my body anymore? When I walk, it feels like my knees are collapsing backwards, since the quads aren't helping much with that simple motion. Just as it was yesterday, it gets better as I move around more, but I can sure tell that I worked hard on Sunday. This is the Day Of Maximum Soreness, so I know it will get better and better. The rest of my legs are fine, but those quads...


Anonymous said...

Hang in there, Jay! These are the days when you remember why your towel rail really was installed in your bathroom! :P

How is your marathon recap going? I can't wait to read it! Are you thinking about your next marathon yet? Frank, Brad, and I are talking about Portland. I know you said you're a once-a-year guy now but Portland could be fun.... :)

Jay said...

Thursday, I feel much better. I'm starting to look forward to my first post-Freescale run on Monday, even. Hopefully, I'll finish the very lengthy Freescale race recap before I leave for a weekend in Florida (wedding).